What Is Hydrotherapy
In simple terms it is Water Therapy. It offers your pet a chance to regain mobility & strength in one or more limbs after an injury or recovering from surgery. It also offers your pet a chance to get some exercise, without straining their muscles. This is great for dogs that may have issues such as arthritis-making them unable to do things such as long walks or a run in the park.
30 Minute Sessions
$50-$60 + HST
60 Minute Sessions
$75-$85 + HST
Relaxation Float
For those dogs who's conditions are too far advanced to recover from. This allows for an option, where they can come and relax in the warm water to help sooth those joints. Please contact us for more details.
6 Session Package
10 Session Package
Initial Consultation
60 Min. $400-$500 + HST
30 Min. $300-$320 + HST
30 Min. $400-$500 + HST
60 Min. $650-$750 + HST
Recreation Swim/ Swimming Lessons
Looking to get your pup used to the water before the warm season or do they just need some way to get rid of extra energy?
$40-$50 + HST
$125 + HST
In this session we will:
-Gather general information about your dog
-Talk about their diagnosis from your vet
-Go over a treatment plan that will work best for your dog, as well as your budget.
Doggy Wash Service
Bring your dog in to get washed. Shampoo provided or bring your own. Towels & high powered blow dryer available for use. By appointment only.
Do It Yourself - $10 + HST
Full Service - $15 + HST